Package perforce :: Module objects :: Class Counter
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Class Counter

object --+

A named Perforce counter value.

A Perforce counter is a named integer value stored on the Perforce server. Counters that haven't previously been set all have an initial value of zero.

Reading the value of a counter requires 'list' permissions. Modifying the value of a counter requires 'review' permissions. Modifying a protected counter requires 'super' permissions.

Warning: Counter value manipulation does not support atomic operations and so it is recommended that only a single process attempts to modify a particular counter.

Instance Methods
__init__(self, connection, name)
Construct a named counter object.
Retrieve the current value of the counter.
setValue(self, value, force=False)
Set a new value for the counter.

Inherited from object: __delattr__, __getattribute__, __hash__, __new__, __reduce__, __reduce_ex__, __repr__, __setattr__, __str__

str or unicode name
The name of the counter.

Inherited from object: __class__

Method Details

__init__(self, connection, name)

Construct a named counter object.
Overrides: object.__init__


Retrieve the current value of the counter.
Returns: int
The value of the counter.

Note: Requires 'list' access permissions.

setValue(self, value, force=False)

Set a new value for the counter.
  • value (str, unicode or int) - The new value to set the counter to.
  • force (boolean) - If True, force setting of a protected Perforce counter such as 'job', 'change' or 'security'. Otherwise an error will be raised. Requires 'super' access permissions.
  • CommandError - If the counter could not be set. eg. due to insufficient permissions.

Note: Requires 'review' access permissions.

Property Details


The name of the counter.
Get Method: - The name of the counter.
str or unicode